today announced the company raised about $6,500 for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Canton. The company’s fundraising team finished with a high ranking – the eighth most successful team in the Relay for Life of Canton program.
The fundraising campaign, which began in January, is an annual effort led by the company’s active Community Outreach group. Fundraising efforts included selling Relay for Life paper cutouts at our retail store, baked good sales, flower basket sales, a bowling event and other activities.

Dozens of RepairClinic staffers brought in homemade baked goods and nearly all staffers supported them with cash donations for the treats.

Bowling for a good cause
Last month, we held a bowling fundraiser, which brought RC staffers and their friends and family together for fun – and lots of fundraising.

Repair Clinic’s Community Outreach group includes dozens of RepairClinic staffers who support local and national non-profit organizations with volunteerism and fundraising- outside of their RepairClinic work.
We also regularly fill the pantry shelves at Hope Clinic, a local non-profit organization that supports families in our community with medical, dental and social services . Last year, we made the holiday celebrations brighter for several families in need, fundraised to support local animals and shelters, planted 70 trees in Detroit – among many other activities.