At RepairClinic, we’re grateful for the dozens of reviews and testimonials shared every day by our customers about their money-saving repairs and experiences with RepairClinic.
Often, we contact these DIYers and small businesses to thank them for sharing their stories and to congratulate them on their successful repairs.
Sometimes, to our delight, our customers are willing to share more about the repair and why they’re excited to spread the word about us.
One such customer is Beth McIntire of North Carolina.
Recently, Beth’s Whirlpool dishwasher broke. After an incomplete technician repair and facing more days without a dishwasher, Beth visited, ordered a replacement wash arm assembly and took a chance on DIY repair following the website’s free repair help.
The part arrived on a Saturday morning; her dishwasher was fixed by 11 am that day.
“I never thought I was handy, either,” Beth said. “A couple of years ago, a coworker convinced me that if I could follow instructions, I could perform many household repairs on my own. I was nervous in the beginning and started small with touching up paint and replacing toilet flappers. Later, I replaced my doorbell button and a toilet seat. My biggest project has been power washing and re-staining my front porch and rear deck. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment with every completed task. There are still some things I can’t do on my own or don’t feel comfortable doing. Even when I have to hire someone, though, I usually understand the issue and know what needs to be done.”
In hopes of inspiring others, Beth wrote about the repair and reviewed on her blog,
Beth said she hopes others will recognize that many appliances and home repairs are easy do-it-yourself jobs.
“With thousands of free how-to videos available on sites like and YouTube, you can learn to do many household repairs,” she said. “Some are so easy that you’ll want to kick yourself for having paid someone to do it in the past. It feels great to be more self-sufficient.”
Read more about Beth’s DIY endeavors on her blog,
Thanks so much for sharing your story, Beth. Congrats on all of your recent and future successful repairs!
Have a successful story like Beth’s to share?
Let us know about it in the comments below or send an email to JLamb [at]