5 Reasons Your Dishwasher is Making a Loud Noise

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Are grinding, droning, buzzing, and whistling sounds emanating from your dishwasher? If your dishwasher is making noises, it is likely more than just an annoyance. A noisy dishwasher suggests that certain dishwasher parts may not be functioning correctly, like a noisy dishwasher pump or motor part. What could be causing your dishwasher to operate so noisily? Why is it producing a grinding noise? Recognizing these sounds is key to diagnosing, troubleshooting, and repairing a faulty dishwasher part. Let’s delve into how these auditory cues can guide us in pinpointing the issues and discuss strategies to fix them, ensuring your dishwasher runs smoothly again.

Why Is My Dishwasher Making Grinding Noises?

All the top dishwasher manufacturers, such as Bosch, GE, Whirlpool, Frigidaire, Kenmore, LG, Maytag, and Samsung, like to promote how quiet their dishwashers are when going through the fill, wash, or drain cycles. Expectedly, the higher-end models have better insulation, so they tend to run more quietly. Still, it’s a good idea to understand what kind of sounds to expect when the dishwasher is running properly, so you’ll be more attuned to that abnormal sound that could indicate a part failure that could create a loud dishwasher.

Following a short drain cycle to remove any water that may have been left in the dishwasher’s sump, the selected wash cycle begins when the control sends 120 volts of alternating current to the dishwasher’s water inlet valve solenoid, which opens the valve and allows the proper amount of water into the tub. This process will take anywhere from 90 seconds to two minutes and will usually allow around two gallons of water to fill the tub. You will want to note the dishwasher noise when filling. As expected during this cycle, you should hear the sound of water pouring into the tub… and nothing else. If the sound of water is accompanied by a dishwasher part making a whistling noise, a loud buzzing noise, or squealing, the water inlet valve could be wearing out.

Dishwasher Making Noise When Water Circulates?

If your dishwasher makes unusual noises during the wash cycle, such as grinding or humming when the water circulates, the culprit is likely the circulation pump or impeller. These components are responsible for pushing water through the spray arms, and when worn or obstructed, they can produce loud or abnormal sounds. In many cases, replacing a damaged circulation pump or impeller will restore quiet operation. To identify the source, listen closely during the wash cycle and check for debris or worn parts inside the pump housing. Early troubleshooting can help prevent further damage and keep your dishwasher running smoothly.

Troubleshooting Dishwasher Circulation Pump Motor Sounds

Once the fill cycle has completed, the control sends voltage to the dishwasher’s circulation pump motor which uses an impeller to force water through the dishwasher’s wash arms. During this cycle, you may hear the slight hum of the circulation pump motor as well as the sound of water splashing against the dishware. A grinding or droning noise heard during a wash or rinse cycle could indicate the bearings in the circulation pump motor have failed or are in the process of failing. A scraping sound could indicate the dishwasher pump’s impeller has become dislodged or has a broken fin.

After the completion of each wash cycle, the control sends voltage to the drain pump that uses an impeller to force the water through a drain hose to a garbage disposer or standpipe. During this drain cycle, you will hear a sucking sound as the water is pushed through the drain hose accompanied by the low hum of the drain pump motor.

Homeowner repairing a noisy dishwasher that is grinding when water circulates

More Causes of a Noisy Dishwasher

A grinding or droning sound will, again, indicate a problem with the bearings in the motor, while a scraping sound could indicate the impeller is damaged or dislodged. Some models without a separate drain pump will use a drain valve solenoid to open and close a flap to drain water through the drain hose or retain the water in the sump. A defective drain valve solenoid can get stuck in the open or closed position and will often emit a buzzing sound when failing.

Top 5 dishwasher parts responsible for noisy operation

So, there’s not much mystery behind the reasons your dishwasher sounds weird. Each loud noise is usually associated with a specific specific dishwasher part that is malfunctioning in some way. Here are the most likely culprits that your dishwasher is very loud, and they can all be replaced with a minimum of fuss by a patient DIYer:

  1. Defective drain pump – If you have a noisy dishwasher pump, it could be due to the dishwasher drain pump motor bearings wearing out, the pump itself can become clogged with food debris. You can try cleaning any debris from the pump to see if that improves performance, but you may need to replace the component with a new one.
  2. Malfunctioning circulation pump – As with the drain pump, the dishwasher circulation pump motor bearings will simply wear out over time. If the dishwasher pump is making noise it will make like a grinding or droning sound during wash or rinse cycles. Since the bearings cannot be replaced individually, you will need to install a new circulation pump to solve the problem.
  3. Worn water inlet valve – The diaphragm inside the dishwasher’s inlet valve can deteriorate and deform after years of use. When this happens, the water passing through the valve can produce a loud buzzing, squealing, or whistling sound. Since worn inlet valves cannot be easily or successfully repaired, we recommend replacing the valve altogether.
  4. Damaged impeller – Both the circulation pump and drain pump use an dishwasher impeller part to propel the water through the wash arms and drain hose, respectively. If the impeller has become dislodged or has a broken fin, you may hear a scraping or squeaking sound during a wash or drain cycle. Depending on your dishwasher model, you may be able to replace a damaged impeller independently of the pump to fix your noisy dishwasher.
  5. Defective drain valve solenoid – A buzzing disherwasher drain valve solenoid is a strong indicator that the part has failed. Drain valve solenoid kits are available that will allow you to replace the solenoid itself, as well as components like the plunger, actuator lever, and spring. You can test the solenoid and replace it.

Why is My Dishwasher Making a Grinding Noise?

A dishwasher making grinding noises is often caused by issues with the motor bearings either in the drain pump or the circulation pump. These bearings can wear out over time and need replacing. Another possible cause could be a damaged or dislodged impeller in either pump.

Can I Fix a Noisy Dishwasher Myself?

Yes, many of the parts associated with noisy dishwasher operation can be replaced by a patient DIYer. Components such as the drain pump, circulation pump, water inlet valve, impeller, and drain valve solenoid can all be replaced at home with the right tools and some careful instruction. This should help fix a dishwasher making loud noises.

How Can I Prevent My Dishwasher From Becoming Noisy?

Regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent parts from wearing out prematurely and keep your dishwasher running quietly without dishwasher grinding noises. Make sure to clean any food debris from the drain pump and check the seals and bearings periodically for signs of wear and tear. Also, ensure that the dishwasher is level to avoid unnecessary strain on mechanical components

How Do I Know if the Bearings In My Dishwasher Motor Are Failing?

If you hear dishwasher motor noises like grinding or droning noises during the wash or rinse cycles, it may indicate that the bearings in the circulation pump motor or drain pump motor are failing. These bearings typically cannot be replaced individually; instead, the entire motor or pump may need to be replaced.

Keeping your dishwasher quiet with the right parts with Repair Clinic

If you’ve determined you need to replace a dishwasher pump making noise, or an impeller, drain solenoid, or water inlet valve in your loud dishwasher, how can you find the right part for your particular dishwasher? Repair Clinic makes it easy to get the right dishwasher replacement parts. To get started, you’ll need to identify the dishwasher’s model number which can be found on a label attached to the top or side of the dishwasher door. Enter the full model number of the appliance in the Repair Clinic website search bar to see a full list of compatible appliance parts. You can then use the “Part Category” filter (“Pump”, “Valve & Float”) along with the “Part Title” filter (“Drain Pump”, “Circulation Pump”, “Water Inlet Valve”) to narrow that list down to identify the specific part that fits your model.

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