Canton, Mich.— RepairClinic.com®, the trusted online store for replacement parts and free repair help for home appliances, outdoor power equipment and heating and cooling equipment, today announced the company earned top honors from fellow business communicators for its free how-to repair videos.
The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Detroit chapter awarded RepairClinic with a 2014 Renaissance Award of Excellence and the prestigious Digital Communication Best of Show award for the company’s more than 780 videos produced in 2013.
The how-to videos, which empower homeowners to complete DIY appliance, outdoor power equipment and heating and cooling equipment repairs are a critical component of RepairClinic’s free, comprehensive troubleshooting and how-to repair help system on its website.
“It is an honor to be recognized by accomplished business communicators who appreciate the efforts required to make these videos,” said Chris Hall, RepairClinic.com president and co-founder. “How-to repair videos require significant research, attention to detail and teamwork. Production of the videos is part of our ongoing dedication to making fixing things easier for homeowners.”
RepairClinic’s in-house video production team worked closely with its team of repair technicians to dramatically increase the volume of videos produced and made available to the public in 2013. During this period, more than 780 how-to videos were produced – nearly doubling the company’s total video count.
The videos are available for free viewing on the company’s website and YouTube channel. The videos are promoted via the company’s social networks and integrated into the company’s website, blog and email content.
For 33 years, the IABC Detroit Renaissance Awards have recognized excellence in business communication including brand-image building, public and media relations, advertising, social communication and electronic and interactive communication.
The IABC Detroit Renaissance Awards entries were judged by partnering IABC chapters Chicago, Columbus, Iowa and Louisville. Entries included business communication by Fortune 500 companies’ marketing departments, global marketing and advertising agencies, leading PR firms and accomplished production companies. From the lineup of award winners, several of Michigan’s most respected business communicators voted to elect RepairClinic.com for the Best of Show award.
RepairClinic marketing team members accepted the awards at IABC Detroit’s Renaissance Awards program held at the Detroit Historical Museum on June 26.
Since 2010, RepairClinic videos have been viewed more than 29 million times. This year, RepairClinic celebrates 15 years in business and three and a half million customers who have saved an estimated $250 million in repair costs by fixing things on their own.
More information about the IABC Detroit chapter is available on Iabcdetroit.org/.

All quotes from this release may be attributed to Chris Hall, president and co-founder, RepairClinic.com.